Fairfield Dentist and Prosthodontist Explains Oral Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

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Should you be concerned about oral and pharyngeal cancers? You may not know what these diseases are, but they claim hundreds of thousands of lives each year. Understanding the symptoms of oral cancer could save you or someone you know from waiting too long for a diagnosis. With all cancers, early detection and treatment are key to restoring good health and living longer.

In today’s blog, you’ll learn everything you need to know. We’ll cover:

  • Oral cancer risk factors
  • Tests and detection methods for oral cancers
  • Treatment options for oral cancer
  • Post-surgery rehabilitation for oral cancer patients

As a Fairfield dentist and prosthodontist, Dr. Gary Horblitt is uniquely qualified to help patients through their journey with oral cancer.

About Dr. Gary Horblitt

An award-winning dentist, Dr. Horblitt is section chief of prosthetic dentistry at Yale-New Haven Hospital, and he’s on the Yale School of Medicine Head and Neck Program staff. In addition to treating patients in our office, he teaches, lectures, and writes about prosthodontics. Dr. Horblitt has experience treating all types of cases, including those with a medically compromised or special needs status. Dr. Horblitt’s complete bio and accolades list can be read here.

Your Oral Cancer Consultation

If you or someone you care for has been referred for prosthodontic care or is concerned about oral cancer and its effects on the body, schedule an appointment to talk with Dr. Horblitt in person. At Gary Horblitt, DDS, we specialize in restoring smiles through full-scope dentistry. Call 203-335-1011 to reserve your consultation.

Astounding Facts About Oral Cancer

The vast majority of oral sores are not oral cancer. However, each year oral cancers, including oropharyngeal cancer, cause 377,000 deaths globally. About 54,000 new cases are diagnosed each year in the United States. Men face a higher risk than women and HPV-related cases are on the rise in young adults. Tobacco use, a major risk factor, has declined in recent years–a fact Dr. Horblitt and our team are excited to see.

For men and women, oral cancer risk significantly increases after 40 years of age. The 5-year survival rate is 66%. Early detection and treatment reduce the risk of tissue loss and death from oral cancers, lowering the 5-survival rate to over 80%. Once oral cancer progresses to stage IV, the 5-year survival rate drops to less than 50%.

Oral Cancer Detection

At his Fairfield dentist’s office, Dr. Horblitt screens patients for oral cancer once a year, and more often if a patient has high-risk factors, like being a smoker or having HPV.

Usually, oral cancer is spotted by a patient’s general dentist or physician, or the patient notices symptoms. When any of these symptoms continue for more than two weeks, call us for an oral cancer screening.

Oral cancer symptoms:

  • Discolored sores or patches in the mouth
  • Thickening of soft tissues, like the cheeks or tongue
  • Lumps or swelling in the mouth, particularly the gums, or throat
  • Areas of the mouth feel tender to the touch or painful
  • Numbness in areas of the mouth
  • Weight loss
  • Unexplained oral bleeding
  • Ear pain, usually on one side
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Loose teeth
  • Dental appliance no longer fits properly (denture, partial)

A physician or dentist may refer you to Dr. Horblitt for a biopsy, imaging, and endoscopy. As your prosthodontist, he will become part of your healthcare team. His kind nature and desire to help will be evident from your first appointment. Over time, our patients naturally develop respect and trust in Dr. Horblitt.

Oral Cancer Treatment

The most common treatment for oral cancers is surgery for tumor resection or neck dissection. Tissue that has died or is incurably infected will be removed. Radiation therapy via an external beam and seeds implanted near the tumor (brachytherapy) often follows surgery. The patient may need chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or targeted therapy with drugs if traditional chemo is ineffective.

As a prosthodontist, Dr. Horblitt can oversee your diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation after surgery. In significant cases, a patient may need immediate dentures or another prosthetic to replace missing oral structures. An obturator is such a device. It seals off the upper oral palate from the nasal cavity. Prosthetics may also be fabricated for patients whose facial bones were altered during surgery.

Once the patient is in remission and has appropriate appliances to breathe, eat, and speak properly, functional rehabilitation can begin. Post-surgical oral cancer patients may need assistance learning to swallow comfortably or speak clearly.

Dr. Horblitt remains an important part of the healthcare team for oral cancer patients. He offers general dentistry, as well as prosthodontics, so he can become your primary dentist if you so desire.

Call Your Horblitt Dentist and Prosthodontist for an Appointment

Located in Fairfield on Black Rock Turnpike #1, Gary Horblitt DDS is accepting new patients for general dentistry, restorative and cosmetic dentistry, and prosthodontics. Ring us at 203-335-1011 or request your appointment online.