2226 Black Rock Turnpike #1, Suite 201 (203) 335-1011

How common are dental implant complications? And Other Frequently Asked Questions

Do you need to replace one or more missing teeth? If so, consider dental implants. Dentists regard dental implants as a reliable tooth replacement method since they mimic the function and form of natural teeth.

Are you interested in starting your dental implant journey? Dr. Gary Horblitt can help you decide if dental implants will work for your lifestyle. Schedule a consultation today at his Fairfield office.

If you’re considering dental implants, it’s natural to be curious about every step of this procedure. So, we’ve compiled a dental implant FAQs list in hopes of answering most of your questions:

1.  How common are dental implant complications?

Compared to most procedures, dental implants have a low failure rate. Researchers estimate that only 5% of patients experience dental implant failure.

Although dental implants are highly successful, they still fail occasionally. The most common dental implant failure reasons are:

  • Bacterial infection (peri-implantis)
  • Attaching the dental prosthetic too soon
  • Insufficient bone support
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching)
  • Lack of integration
  • Ill-Fitting prosthetics
  • Smoking
  • Systemic problems or disease

2.  Is this a painful procedure?

Comfort levels vary from person to person. But, your dental team will do everything in their power to make your feel as comfortable as possible.

Before surgery, your doctor will apply anesthesia to numb the surgical site. Anesthesia ensures that patients feel minimal discomfort during the procedure. (If they feel anything at all.) Also, he or she may offer different types of sedation to ease anxiety during surgery.

After oral surgery, it’s normal to expect some discomfort. So, it’s essential to follow your post-operative instructions. Doing so can help you manage pain and minimize other risks. For example, your doctor may prescribe pain medication. (Yet, some patients prefer not to take them.)

3.  Are they expensive?

Everyone’s budget is different. The total price of dental implants is dependent on your geographic location and specific needs, such as:

  • The number of dental implants that you need to support your prosthetic
  • The type of restoration: Fixed (non-removable, removable, or crown
  • The number of teeth that need to be replaced

Since many factors contribute to the total cost, booking a consultation is wise. Your dentist can provide a ballpark estimate.

4.  Does insurance cover this procedure?

Dental implants aren’t typically covered by insurance. This is dependent on the carrier and an individual’s plan. Each plan is different. However, your insurance may cover some costs associated with this procedure. For instance, your insurance may cover the cost of the prosthetic device placed on top of the dental implant.

Speak with your provider for more information about your coverage.

5.  How long do dental implants last?

Dental implants are a permanent fixture. Therefore, they are meant to last a lifetime with the proper aftercare. Frequent dental cleanings and checkups may extend the life of your dental implant.

Also, choosing a more experienced implant specialist may increase your chances of implant survival. In a long-term study, researchers highlighted the survival rates of inexperienced practitioners and implant specialists:

  • Inexperienced practitioners had a 73% survival rate
  • While implant specialists had a 95.5% survival rate

Based on this research, choosing an implant specialist over an inexperienced dentist may significantly improve your dental implant’s success.

6.  Where can I find dental implants in Fairfield, CT?

Dr. Gary Horblitt commits to providing exceptional care using reliable, contemporary implant technology. Find out if you’re a candidate for dental implants. Call (203) 335-1011 or message us online right now.


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