2226 Black Rock Turnpike #1, Suite 201 (203) 335-1011

What to Expect When You Receive Dental Crowns in Fairfield, CT

In many cases, dental crowns are the only way to save severely damaged teeth. But if you’ve never had a crown before, preparing for treatment may be a bit nerve wracking. When you receive dental crowns in Fairfield, CT, our office team will walk you through every step to alleviate any anxiety.

Dr. Gary Horblitt is renowned for his experience in prosthodontics. With his skill, your final restoration will look and feel almost exactly like your natural tooth.

To learn more about crown placement or to schedule your treatment, contact our office.

Treatment Planning

The first step of your care is a thorough consultation. Your dentist will evaluate your tooth to make sure that a crown is the best solution. According to one large-scale survey, dentists are most likely to suggest a crown for cracked teeth, teeth with broken restorations, and teeth that require root canal therapy.

Dr. Horblitt may also take x-rays of your tooth and the surrounding tissues.

Preparing for Your Procedure

In general, you will not need to do anything different in the days leading up to your treatment. However, if you are feeling particularly anxious, Dr. Horblitt may suggest nitrous oxide sedation. This gas is more commonly known as laughing gas, and it may make you a bit loopy afterwards. Therefore, you may want to arrange for a ride home after your treatment.

Prepping Your Tooth

Crown placement usually takes place over two appointments. During the first visit, your dentist will trim your tooth. He will remove any damaged or diseased tissue to eliminate bacteria. Reshaping your tooth also helps to ensure a stable fit for the crown. Without this key step, your crown could offset the force of your bite. In turn, you could experience jaw pain and damage to your other teeth.

Next, Dr. Horblitt will take impressions of your tooth. He will send the impressions to a lab, which will create your crown. He will also send color samples to ensure that your restoration harmonizes with the rest of your smile.

Before you leave the office, you will receive a temporary crown. This will not fit as well as your final restoration. But it will help to protect your tooth and prevent sensitivity while eating.

Attaching the Crown

It usually takes one or two weeks for dental crowns to arrive back in our office. At this time, you will come back in for another appointment. Dr. Horblitt will check the fit and make any adjustments, if necessary. Then he will numb your tooth with local anesthesia and permanently bond the crown in place.

What You Can Expect Long Term

The longevity of crowns depends on many different factors. These include the materials from which crowns are made, the presence of tooth decay, and manufacturing techniques.

In general, crowns last 10 to 15 years. However, they can last much longer when you choose an experienced dentist like Dr. Horblitt. Furthermore, good oral hygiene can extend the lifespan of your crown so that it could last for decades

Learn More about Dental Crowns in Fairfield, CT

For more information about what to expect during treatment, contact us today.

Fill out our online contact form or give us a call at (203) 335-1011.


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