2226 Black Rock Turnpike #1, Suite 201 (203) 335-1011

Dentist in Fairfield, Connecticut, Tells You Which Holiday Foods to Savor or Avoid

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and, of course, indulgence. As we gather with loved ones and join in festive feasts, it’s important to strike a balance between enjoying delicious treats and eating mindfully. This year, our dentist in Fairfield, Connecticut, (click to learn more about our Fairfield dentist) is here to help you find the sweet spot!

Gary Horblitt, D.D.S., has decades of experience helping his patients achieve healthier, brighter smiles. If you’d like to discuss dental nutrition with our dentist in Fairfield, Connecticut, give our team a call at (203) 335-1011 now!

In today’s blog, we want to help you navigate the holiday season healthily. So, let’s explore some wise (and not-so-wise) choices for your holiday plate.

Foods to Savor

There are plenty of yummy foods that contribute to a healthier smile, including:


Many people enjoy honey-glazed ham for Christmas dinner, but the sugary glaze can lead to cavities. Instead, opt for oven-roasted turkey.

Turkey is a lean protein source that can be a healthy foundation for your festive feast without risking dental decay. Just be sure to floss afterward!


Our dentist in Fairfield, Connecticut, recommends loading up your plate with a variety of colorful vegetables, especially crunchy ones. Raw carrots, celery, and bell peppers not only add vibrancy to your meal but also keep your teeth cleaner throughout the holidays.


Did you know that cranberries could help prevent gum disease? Much in the way that cranberry juice helps prevent urinary tract infections, cranberries also help limit the growth of gum disease-causing bacteria in the mouth. So, add some homemade cranberry sauce to your holiday menu!


Remember how we mentioned raw veggies as a way to keep teeth clean during holiday festivities? Well, nuts offer the same benefits! Not only do nuts contribute to a cleaner smile, but they also contain healthy fats, fiber, and essential nutrients.

Dark Chocolate

Sugary treats can be a problem for our smiles, leading to cavities and gum disease. But a holiday without sweet delicacies seems like no holiday at all! So, our dentist in Fairfield, Connecticut, recommends satisfying your sweet tooth with dark chocolate. This yummy treat contains less cavity-causing sugar than milk chocolate, and it is rich in antioxidants.

Foods to Limit

While you don’t have to completely avoid these treats, they are best in moderation. Our dentist in Fairfield, Connecticut recommends limiting:

Sugary Treats

While it’s tempting to indulge in an array of holiday desserts and goodies, it is important to be mindful of excessive sugar intake. Otherwise, we may develop cavities into the New Year.

Our dentist in Fairfield, CT, suggests opting for smaller portions and savoring sweet treats in moderation. Consider healthier dessert options like fruit salads or yogurt parfaits.


While toasting to the holidays is a tradition, excessive alcohol consumption can take a toll on our teeth, leading to enamel erosion and cavities. Our dentist in Fairfield, Connecticut, recommends limiting your intake or choosing non-alcoholic beverages for toasting instead.

Empty Carbs

White bread, rolls, and other carbohydrates can contain more sugar than we realize. So, rather than indulging in simple carbs, our dentist in Fairfield, CT, recommends reaching for whole-grain options to add fiber to your meal and prevent dental decay.

Visit Our Dentist in Fairfield, Connecticut

This year, enjoy the festive foods that bring you joy, but also be mindful of your choices to maintain a healthy smile. And don’t forget to schedule a dental appointment before the New Year! Contact Gary Horblitt, D.D.S., online here, or call us at (203) 335-1011 to request your appointment now.


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