2226 Black Rock Turnpike #1, Suite 201 (203) 335-1011

What happens if I don’t get dentures right away?

If you are living with missing teeth, then cosmetic dentistry and dentures could be a great way to repair your smile and restore your oral health. But, for many of us, it is tempting to delay getting dentures. However, there are a ton of reasons why you shouldn’t wait to get these devices.

Whether you need a new set of dentures or you need an old set repaired, Gary Horblitt, D.D.S., in Fairfield, CT, can help. Contact our team today at (203) 335-1011 to get speedy care in a friendly environment!

Denture treatment may seem unnecessary, but leaving tooth loss untreated could lead to bigger, more expensive problems down the road. In today’s blog, we tell you what happens if you don’t get dentures right after tooth loss.

Impacts on Chewing Functionality

Did you know our teeth are actually the first step along the digestive journey? It’s true! Our teeth help grind food into smaller, easily digestible pieces. Without them, we may struggle to break down food, which can make it harder for our stomachs to process what we eat.

In fact, some research indicates that missing even one or two teeth can lead to gastrointestinal issues, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Replacing teeth with dentures or other restorations can ensure that we chew our food properly and get the essential nutrients we need to thrive.

Speech Impediments

Aside from helping us chew our food, our teeth play a major role in helping us speak. Missing teeth or severe dental issues can affect our ability to pronounce certain words correctly, leading to speech impediments.

Unfortunately, speech impediments can make it harder for us to communicate, often making us feel isolated. Dentures can replace not only our teeth but also our confidence and communication skills, enhancing our personal and professional relationships.

Changes in Facial Structure

Teeth provide essential support to our facial tissues. Without them, the jawbone may start to break down, leading to changes in facial appearance. The result can be a sunken or aged look, affecting both physical appearance and self-esteem.

Increased Risk of Gum Disease and Infections

The empty spaces left by missing teeth produce spaces where microbes (like bacteria) can thrive, leading to infections, inflammation, and potential complications. Gum disease not only affects oral health but can also lead to bodily conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes.

Psychological and Social Impacts

Avoiding dentures can lead to feelings of embarrassment or self-consciousness about our smiles. This, in turn, may cause us to withdraw from social situations, impacting our mental and emotional well-being.

Dental prosthetics help replace teeth so that we can feel more comfortable and confident in social settings.

Limited Treatment Options Over Time

When we leave dental issues unaddressed, we risk things getting much worse. This could lead to more complicated, complex, and costly issues down the road.

Timely intervention through dentures or other dental prosthetics can help prevent further issues, giving you a healthier smile and body.

Custom-designed Dentures in Fairfield, CT

If you’re delaying getting dentures, don’t. The consequences could be significant. Get custom-designed dentures with Gary Horblitt, D.D.S., in Fairfield, CT, today. You can request a consultation online anytime, or you can dial (203) 335-1011 during office hours to schedule your appointment.


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