2226 Black Rock Turnpike #1, Suite 201 (203) 335-1011

What To Do If a Dental Bridge Breaks

A dental bridge is an ideal way for individuals with one or more missing teeth in a row to restore their smiles. However, just like any cosmetic and dental restoration, bridges can still experience a great deal of wear and tear. As a result, there is always a possibility that a tooth bridge can break.

If you’re dealing with a broken, loose, or missing dental bridge, contact Gary Horblitt, D.D.S., right away. Delaying care could lead to severe pain and worsening conditions. So, don’t wait – contact our dentist in Fairfield, CT, today at (203) 335-1011.

While a broken dental bridge can be distressing, knowing what steps to take can help you prevent further complications. In today’s post, we tell you what to do if a dental bridge breaks, helping you navigate this tricky experience to avoid unnecessary pain and problems.

Immediate Response

As soon as you notice a broken bridge, here’s what to do:

Stay Calm

The first and most important step is to remain calm. Panicking may cloud your judgment and hinder your ability to take appropriate action.

Remove Any Loose Pieces

If there are loose pieces of the broken bridge, carefully remove them from your mouth to prevent swallowing them accidentally or causing further damage.

Oral Rinse

Gently rinse your mouth with warm water to keep the area clean and remove any debris. This also helps you assess the extent of the damage and identify any sharp edges.

Temporary Solutions

After your initial response, here’s what to do before you can get yourself to a dentist:

Avoid DIY Repairs

While it might be tempting to fix the dental bridge at home using adhesives, it is important to resist the urge. Do It Yourself (DIY) repairs can lead to more complications and may affect the strength of the restoration.

Save the Pieces

If possible, save any broken pieces of the bridge. Our dentist may be able to use them in the repair process.

Dental Wax

If the broken bridge has sharp edges, you can use dental wax to smooth out the surface and prevent injury.

Seek Professional Help

The next step is to contact a dental professional as soon as possible. Here’s what we recommend:

Contact Our Dentist Immediately

As soon as you notice a broken dental bridge, contact our dentist to schedule an emergency appointment. Explain the situation clearly, and Dr. Horblitt will advise you on the next steps.

Avoid Self-Repair Kits

You should always avoid over-the-counter dental repair kits. These products are not a substitute for professional dental care and may do more harm than good.

Follow Dentist’s Recommendations

During your emergency appointment, our Fairfield dentist will assess the damage and recommend the appropriate course of action. This may involve repairing the existing bridge or creating a new one.

Fast Dental Bridge Repair in Fairfield, CT

Although teeth bridges can last for upwards of 10 years, they may still sustain damage along the way. If you find yourself dealing with a broken bridge, it is best to get it repaired as soon as possible. Gary Horblitt, D.D.S., offers rapid dental bridge repair in Fairfield, CT, to get you smiling with confidence in no time. Request an appointment here, or contact our Fairfield dentist at (203) 335-1011 now!


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